Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Things I don't understand...

ECONOMY! It is a word you hear daily, easily several times. You hear it, you shrink from thinking about it because there mere mention of that word right now strikes fear in the hearts of many people who get paid lots of money to track the economy and also people in states that have governors that take state money to pay for trips to third world countries for the purpose of finding a place to eat good tamales and a senorita to make his margarita.

I get we are all freaked out about the economy - well most people are. Oh good lord how are the rich going to afford that new Hummer and that Christmas trip to the Virgin Islands. How are us poor people gonna be able to eat when the price of Ramen noodles goes from 10 for a buck to God forbid a BUCK A PACKAGE!!!

If times are sooooo freaking hard how is it so many stay at home mom's are able to afford hobbies and family vacations? HMMMM?

Seems like every stay at home mom I know has a sewing hobby of some kind, well a fiber textiles hobby of some kind. They are sitting at home cooking and cleaning (which is a job in itself) and then they have the money to go buy adorable fabric a notions and then they take their super kick ass sergers and singers and make these seriously fabulous outfits for their adorable children who are so precious and wonderful that they NEVER fight and always share their toys. Some of these mom's can even knit too! They buy these beautiful yarns in rich vibrant colors and whip out these amazing little scarves or hats for their other stay at home mom friends for various reasons (Christmas, birthdays, Martin Luther King Day).

How do I know this? I am a blog lurker...leave me alone, I can't afford a real hobby involving fabric and yarn and such and besides I don't get to stay at home cooking and cleaning all day (wait, I do cook and clean all day....I just stay up all night working the American dream).

There is this one little blog I stalk on occasion which is so super precious I could cry in my cupcakes. This sweet little thing is a stay at home mom who manages to bake things almost daily, she also finds time to knit and make cutsie little things for her babies which all have orange hair and go to coop preschool. Her family even managed to take a vacation to Hawaii this winter and now here we are in summer they are visiting Ohio.

I want to know how the hell they afford to make all that happen? Have you been to a fabric store? Do you know how much that stuff costs? The only cheap ones are the ones on clearance that are too ugly for even my gramma to use in a quilt. Yet somehow they always manage to find this super to die for adorable print that matches some other freaking precious print and then they turn those into a reversible smock with hand smocking. UGHHHH. And don't get me started on those knitting mama's, the ones that make things with yarn that costs a freaking ass load per skein. I want to cry....

Even back in the day when my lovely ex husband had a job that made good money and we were married there was no way I could afford to have the hobbies these women have (and it didn't matter I sure as hell didn't have the personal time). Vacations to Hawaii? HA - FORGET ABOUT THAT!

So if this ecomomy is something to be concerned about then shouldn't those stay at home mama's be keeping their asses out of the fabric store and thinking about working nights as a pole dancer when daddy comes home to watch the babies?

I guess this is a mystery of life I will never understand....sigh.

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