Friday, May 29, 2009

Looky here ya'll - Mama is moving to blogspot!

You know...once long ago I had one of these blogamacallits. It was fun. Then I discovered myspace and got busy blogging over there. The advantages of that was I could pick and choose who read what I wrote and it sure gave me creative license to make fun of things that I found irritating. Mostly I used it as cheap therapy and the creative airing of my "dirty laundry". I made fun of myself, my children, my friends and most importantly my enemies. Nothing was sacred.

So now I ask myself "Doak (this is my maiden name and the name I call myself in heart to heart self conversations) - why on earth would you go and pick a public forum to blog in when you know damn well you ain't gonna be able to refrain from making fun of Jimbo and his ex old lady" (Doak has a good point, she always does, damned voice of reason) "Well Doak, since you asked, I am hoping that being a more public forum I will discover new material in which to blog about that has less of a potential for hunting me down and bashing in my knee caps with a softball bat" (see...this could be a good thing huh) "Well I sure hope you can bite your tongue and keep your petty bashing to the good ol' boys at WalMart and asshat drivers in SUV's that piss you off, your babies need you and damn it your mama and the baby Jesus love you, kneecaps and all"

So I am turning over a new leaf. I am sure once in a while Jimbo is gonna piss me off, he can't help it, but when I really need to make fun of what he does to keep me from cryin' my poor little eyes out I can take a little trip over to myspace and let er' rip. My other source of amusement Botox Barbie is losing her home, packing her thong undies and moving to Hawaii to peddle her wares and work on her permatan so in fairness I have to let that fade into the sunset. We had a good run but sometimes you have to let go. Goodbye Botox Barbie - have fun in Hawaii - do they have a fleet week there? Oh the places you will go....

So folks - stay tuned on this channel. We have it all here...while you are at it grab a beer (or coffee if you read in the morning and have to operate machinerey or mold young minds), get yourself comfy and let's get to know one another.


  1. Yay! SO happy you started a BLOG! I love it! Keep those funnies coming and here is a link that I use to make my blog more of my own

  2. Gee if I couldn't find enough reasons to keep from working and cleaning. Hee hee. Thanks for the info, you can see I put it to "good" use.

  3. Blog looks wonderful! I've linked your blog to mine and I have some pretty cool gadgets on there like feedjit, it tells you whos seeing your blog and from where. Its interesting to watch the people come to the blog!
    I've already had over 20 people go to your blog via my blog so I'm pretty sure I'll get you some traffic there.
